St. Louis, Missouri

Rest, Relax, and Regroup

myasthenia gravis

I am coming off of a great weekend of Resting, Relaxing, and Regrouping. This is something that should be done at least once a month for everyone. We juggle so much from careers, life, social life, health, and everything in between. For me, being a single parent with a rare chronic autoimmune disease, with a busy 11 year old son is overwhelming in itself. From his activities, school, sports, and home life can easily break me down. And that does not include my school schedule and activities. Just thinking about makes you want to cut some things out of your life. However, I have learned the 3 R’s have saved me mentally, physically, and most importantly it has benefited my health.

I got a chance to have three days of pure quietness, no rules, no parent duties, just absolutely nothing! This was something I hadn’t had a chance to do since returning to school in 2017 and going public with the organization March of 2019. When the opportunity presented itself I took it! It wasn’t just for myself, but for my son, school, and for my organization. I was able to prepare myself and finish homework a week ahead of time, turn it in, and gather my notes for future plans. After regrouping, I did some serious relaxing and resting. These are major factors in #MyastheniaGravis patients. Rest helps to keep us leveled and reserve our energy. Our energy is what keeps us going. When we can’t seem to rest, sitting back and relaxing also reserve our energy. Regrouping, helps us to find a new balance to maintain daily. I encourage all of my fellow MG warriors to take a page from my book and create you a space were you can Relax, Rest, and Regroup.

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