St. Louis, Missouri


Treatment Day!

What does this picture say to you? To me, it means DEDICATION! July 22, was just another ordinary maintenance treatment day. I come in, went through the normal questions, and got prepped with my premeds. My friend drove me that day and sat with me. I never drive when I have treatment because I’m either exhausted or the benadryl hasn’t worn off and I’m drowsy. She also wanted to get a glimpse of what happens and how everything goes. She snapped this picture of me and it made me smile. I haven’t had a picture that captured me in my element since going public with My Walk with MG. I LOVED IT!! I couldn’t wait to post it! I was answering messages from my Facebook page and checking emails. I pride myself on maintaining what I promised to everyone that lives with this ugly disease. I AM HERE FOR US ALL!! I WILL FIGHT NO MATTER WHAT I AM DOING!! THIS IS A BATTLE WE WILL ALL WIN!! That is my promise to you as well as myself. Wherever I am, I will answer you as best as I can. Let’s fight this together and bring awareness to the WORLD!! #mwwmg

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