St. Louis, Missouri

Mental Balance

What I have learned throughout my adult life battling Myasthenia Gravis is finding balance to maintain your mental health is extremely important. I know that dealing with this or any other health issue can be overwhelming, but as much as you can try your best to find your balance and figure this out. I have hobbies such as writing in journals, meditation, yoga, hanging with friends, music, cooking, and traveling with my son. All of these things keep me going and wanting to live life. I know it’s not always easy and you feel like MG has taken so much from you. I use to feel that way but that all changed 2015. I said NO MORE! I became to live and stop existing in this world. I am here to say TAKE YOUR POWER BACK OVER YOUR LIFE TODAY! Nothing can be taken away if it means the world to you. Life is so precious and we only get one. Make those small adjustments and get a stable treatment plan. Take that trip you had planned, sit down and prep your favorite meals you don’t have to stand, have a night out with a few friends, find your happy place! MG is there but it doesn’t have to take over your life unless you let it! Go in your bathroom, look yourself in the mirror, and say THIS IS MY LIFE AND I HAVE CONTROL OVER IT!! I’M GOING TO LIVE AND ENJOY MY LIFE!!

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