St. Louis, Missouri


Thank you again for visiting My Walk With MG (MWWMG)! My name is Tasha and I founded this organization to spread more awareness about a condition I live with called, Myasthenia Gravis (MG) and advocate for the MG Community. Myasthenia Gravis is a neuromuscular disorder that causes weakness in the skeletal muscles and the condition itself is typically caused by an autoimmune disorder. The communication between the muscles and nerves is interrupted causing mild to severe cases of body fatigue. Symptoms of MG can include fatigue, drooping eyelids, issues with climbing stairs, and even difficulty talking to name a few. The condition typically occurs in women under 40 while men are more likely diagnosed over the age of 60. But MG can occur at any age including during childhood.

myasthenia gravis MG is typically diagnosed via a neurological exam and can be treated with medications, removal of the thymus gland, plasma exchange, the IVIG blood product, and certain lifestyle changes. For those living with MG, it is important to talk with your doctor about recommended lifestyle changes that can help alleviate the symptoms of MG. Some of these changes may include getting more rest, avoiding heat as much as possible, and maintaining low to no stress levels as much as possible.

In my journey with MG, I have not only come to learn about this condition from my own experiences but also those of others and you will see some of their stories highlighted in my blog posts as well as on my social media pages. It is my mission to spread awareness about MG and create a welcoming community of those living with the condition or have loved ones who are so we can share our experiences, learn from one another, and reassure each other that we are not alone with facing Myasthenia Gravis. You can read more about my personal journey with MG here.

myasthenia gravis medication
MG can get quite expensive to treat

Our mission with My Walk with MG, we want to help those in the MG Community who have trouble getting daily life necessities. Through our Cares Program, we plan to target Emergency Planning creating care packages. Having accurate information in the time of a crisis is extremely beneficial in saving the life of an individual with Myasthenia Gravis. The Emergency Packet is filled with information regarding what Myasthenia Gravis is, the different crisis, medications, and so much more! The packages will also contain items that are typically needed when away from home with the binder of helpful patient information to highlight what Myasthenia Gravis and how they individual is treated. It is not easy maintaining life in general with MG, so we want to help assist in those areas educating our family and friends and so much more! With the help of donations, we can make this possible for so many families! All donations are tax deductible!

Additional Insight:

Take a look below at my own personal expenses for treating this condition:

AUGUST 2018: $40,090.90
NOVEMBER 2018: $36,007.00
MARCH 2019: $35,691.70
TOTAL: $111,789.60

Yes, MG is VERY EXPENSIVE to treat! So I hope to help those living with this condition get the treatment they need by helping to eliminate or decrease a financial constraint as an obstacle.

We are strong and not allowing MG to dictate our lives!

Check out below some statistics and facts on MG:

  • approximately 30,000 to 60,000 cases in the United States
  • most common onset of MG in women are the second and third decades and in men seventh and eighth decades
  • in some cases MG may go into remission
  • approximately 20 out of 100,000 people in the US have been diagnosed with MG
  • a person with MG can experience a myasthenic crisis that makes it difficult to breathe to the point where a ventilator is required
Educating the community on and impacting the lives of those affected by MG…our most important mission!


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